Welcome to my blog.
Each of us is on Earth, tasked with a mission to do our best and live our best lives so the world is better off with having us here.
My main interest is in the area of personal development and the art of winning.
Enough said. Let's share thoughts and experiences through this blog. Your input and comments are most welcome.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How Do We View Life and Ourselves

Each of us has a story to tell, about how our lives are turning out, each day. Some of these stories are a joy to listen to and some create sympathy, frustration and sadness. Sadness because some individuals
to encounter endless obstacles and see no way out. Have you ever felt that way? That LIFE is but an endless road, with innumerable speed humps, forcing us to often either slow down, stop or get a bone-shaking jolt, if we ignore it!

Our stories are a reflection of our true inner self. Truly. We tend to live out our paradigms, i.e., our view, interpretation and version of life. As you've guessed by now, everyone has their own version. That's why there are thousands of pundits who appear on talk shows, CNN ,sports channels, etc to give THEIR views on certain issues. Hey! It's only their view. It does not have to DEFINE and set the issue in stone for you or me or anyone else. There is no one version or viewpoint that can be definitively said to be right or wrong. Life just is. It's our view and interpretation that gives it the value, either positive or negative, emotion and the passion. Those of you who saw the movie "Vantage Point" would understand this, through the various individual viewpoints on the same event. If you have not seen this, I recommend that you do. Great movie and great lesson, too.

There are individuals who keep taking action to realize their dreams and there are the individuals who always say they have not reached their best lives because someone has not helped them, or someone has not done something for them. Stop and think for a moment. Which type are you? What's your story? Which category is the "WINNER" and which one is the "WHINER"?

The truth is, as I realized, is that we get ahead in life by helping others and ourselves. Not by blaming, but by taking responsibility for our ACTIONS and our RESULTS. As long as we are alive, we have a chance to get it RIGHT, either this time or the next…or the next…! By moving forward, understanding others, taking the hits but still moving forward to our best lives. But it all begins with the realization of we are responsible for our results and we need to take action.

We'll discuss more on this in the next post. Please add your viewpoints / comments to make this a lively and useful discussion. That way, we all can learn.

Until my next post.

Stay well, stay true to your vision and keep moving forward.



Monday, October 5, 2009


We all live in perpetual motion these days. The saying "Living in an ocean of motion" rings true in so many ways. Look around you... people continuously in action....the seemingly endless hours at the office /work, hanging out with friends, vegetating in front of the idiot box (a.k.a television), chatting on the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The list goes on and on.

However, that's not the basis of the title or purpose of this blog. Keep Moving Forward. It's taken from a line in the movie "Rocky Balboa", the sixth movie in the hit "Rocky" anthology from Sylvester Stallone. That line resonated with me as it describes the philosophy of a winner, not only the title character of the movie but also that of actor Sylvester Stallone. His inspirational story will be part of an upcoming post.

"Life ain't about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That's how WINNING is done". That captures the essence of the attitude of a winner. [ See the short video clip on YouTube : Keep Moving Forward- YouTube ]

I've been keenly interested in personal development and in the art of winning. The best investment is always in developing people, i.e., ourselves and others we come in contact with. Development , both on a personal and at a professional level. It's all about creating positive outcomes and adding value. Creating the results that we envision.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm still very much a work in progress. We all are. However, the path to winning starts with the first step: (1) taking responsibility for our own development and (2) taking action. Let's start this journey together and work together to create an enlightened and enriching experience. All constructive comments are welcome. Future posts will be covering areas related to my thoughts on the art of winning and self development.

Until my next post.

Stay well, stay true to your vision and keep moving forward.